Work smarter

Learn how Plingspot helps companies and individuals, from hotels to short stay stays and from restaurants to small coffee houses, improve and work smarter.

Our innovative all-in-one platform offers smart solutions for both businesses and individuals

generated more customers with the help of Plingspot
discovered meaningful customer insights with the help of Plingspot
Weighted average.

Plingspot is designed to offer one united platform that helps our clients grow and work smarter

Our platform is a one-of-a-kind solution. We make use of an easy to use interface and our ecosystem helps our customers reach a bigger audience, sell more, curate more, and grow more in a smart and efficient way. With the help of smart technology such as the Smart Tag, we make it possible for clients to become more innovative, sustainable, and drive their offline traffic online. From restaurant owners to short stay hosts, we offer a solution that fits you.

We offer an upgrade for every department when you make use of Plingspot. Customers will generate more leads and data, they lower costs, they make administration easy, they are able to measure, and they monitor and manage data. At Plingspot, we make sure to offer our support when needed and we will help customers reach their goals.

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Plingspot helps you gain deeper understanding of your guests

Track your engagement, monitor revenue and learn what’s converting your audience. Send marketing messages directly to them. Our platform is fast, easy-to-use and powerful. It simplifies the process for both businesses and individuals to share their offerings in one single platform. We make sure that you get more eyes on what you offer and help you drive deeper discovery and engagement.

drove deeper engagement with their guests
Why work harder if you can work smarter?
noticed an increase in sales
found the Plingspot platform easy to use
noticed a spike in online engagement
Weighted average.

Become part of the Plingspot network

How do you reach a bigger audience? What tools are used in order to do so?

Plingspot offers you all the tools you need in one united platform which serves as your digital headquarters. Our customers are able to work faster and more efficiently. Since the world is becoming more digitized, it’s important to become more innovative yourself as well. By making use of Plingspot you are able to move faster since all the tools you need are in one place.

Plingspot works for a wide range of businesses and individuals. You only need your goal, we offer the tools to fulfill it.

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